The Work At Home Dilemma...Should It Be A Job Or A Business?

Written by Kirk Bannerman

So you have decided to work at home (either by choice or necessity) and now you are faced withrepparttar decision as to whether to pursue a work at home job or to start a home based business. That may sound like a minor distinction, but this can pose a dilemma asrepparttar 116398 differences can actually be quite significant.

A general psychological characterization ofrepparttar 116399 entrepreneurial spirit, says they are typically people who have a high energy level, set long-term goals, feel quite self-confident, and view money and financial security as a measure of accomplishment and piece of mind.

They are further characterized as problem solvers, who take risks, learn from their failures (as well as those of others), accept personal responsibility, seizerepparttar 116400 initiative, and use all available resources to achieve their success.

Entrepreneurs compete with themselves and believe that success or failure lies within their personal control or influence. They do not see setbacks as failures, but rather as learning experiences. Most of all, they exhibit persistence and tenacity, never giving up and never quittingrepparttar 116401 quest for success.

If you fit most of these criteria, you would probably elect to start a home business instead of undertaking a work at home job. However,repparttar 116402 decision to work at home does not necessarily mean that you want to berepparttar 116403 owner of a business. You may prefer working at home for an already established company. This is often easier to do than owning a business yourself and you may not want allrepparttar 116404 headaches, responsibilities and obligations that come with owning your own business.

Tips, Tricks, and Resources on How to Avoid Scams

Written by Stephani Richardson

It takes careful planning to build your home based business. Avoiding costly mistakes beforehand will prevent you from losing valuable time and money invested. In this day and age, business scams are lurking everywhere. So how do we keep ourselves from falling prey to becoming victims?

1) Research- It sounds so simple, doesn't it? You would be surprised how many people just jump into a business without researching a company's background. The Better Business Bureau offers background information and reliability reports on many companies. Not all companies may be listed unlessrepparttar company is a member ofrepparttar 116397 BBB or an individual has filed a complaint. It never hurts to try, and it only takes a few minutes. If a company is listed, then you will get a general idea of how longrepparttar 116398 company has been in business and whether or not there have been complaints, reports, or resolutions to any complaints filed. The BBB also has a section on current scams at These are not just business scams, butrepparttar 116399 information is extremely useful.

2) False claims- Doesrepparttar 116400 company make claims that just "sound too good to be true"? You know howrepparttar 116401 old saying goes, if it sounds too good to be true, then it probably is. Amazingly enough, there are a number of people onrepparttar 116402 Internet who are lured into believing allrepparttar 116403 "hype". Why does this happen? Because we want so badly to believe that what is written has to be true. We want that "quick fix" or "quick income stream". I'm not saying thatrepparttar 116404 quick income stream isn't always possible, but you have to know your stuff! If you are a newbie at affiliate marketing or online business building, that "quick fix" just isn't going to happen. It's a learning process. I've been working on my business for 5 years, and I'm still learning things every day.

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